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Mummy Tag

So last week I did something I haven't done in a good few months. I sat down in front of the camera and recorded some videos for my YouTube channel. I still feel like a deer in headlights when I set up the tripod and it's just me in my bedroom talking away - I probably look like one too LOL.

Even though I had planned 3 videos to record I wasn't really sure where to start so at the last minute I decided to warm up with something a little bit fun and throw in some facts about me. I looked up 'Mummy Tag' and found a list 20 questions all about being a Mum.

Being the novice YouTuber that I am, I somehow managed to loose the first part of the footage so I had to re-record the intro and the first three questions which is why my setting and outfit is different. I also missed a question - doh! A video on the fly was such a good idea at the time.

Here's the list of questions:

1. Are you a stay at home mum or working mum?
2. Would you have it any other way?
3. Do you co-sleep?
4.  What is your one must have item for your baby?
5. How many kids do you plan on having?
6. Date night, how many per month?
7. Your child favourite TV show?
8.  Name one thing you brought before you had your baby and never ended up using?
9. What's your child's favourite food?
10. How many cars does your family have?
11. Weight gain, before pregnancy, during and after?
12. Dream holiday with your kids?
13. Dream holiday without your kids?
14. How has life changed since your child was born?
15. Finish the sentence... 'It makes my heart melt to....'
16. Where do you shop for your kids?
17. Favourite make up and skin care products?
18. Huggies or Pampers?
19. Have you always wanted kids?
20. The best part about being a mum?

You can check out the video and all my answers here:

I missed number 16 but my answer would have been River Island Mini, Zara, H&M, Primark and a number of gorgeous little boutiques.

Message to myself: Smile more on camera.
I'm such a smiler normally. I smile more than the average person, although you wouldn't know it from this footage.

I have three more videos going live in the next few weeks about 2nd birthday party decor, what's in my handbag and a home decor haul. I'm also planning some more foodie type videos so if you liked this video and want to keep in the loop as I publish more please subscribe to my channel.

I tag my girl Stacey from Mummy And The Bubbas and any of my other lovely fellow bloggers who would like to take part (either on your blog or channel). I love these questions and would love to hear from all of you.

Have a wonderful weekend to all of you.

Kat x

I would love to connect with you! You can find me on:

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