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Losing Baby Weight Challenge: Update

For any of you who have been following my loosing baby weight challenge, I thought it was about time I posted an update for you. It's been awhile...


Here's What I Scored At The Next Sale For Baby Girl

To all my baby fashion followers. I'm sorry there was no Sunday post this week. The truth is, this last week was so busy my feet hardly touched the ground. I barely had time to choose Baby Girl's outfits and get them on her, let alone trying to create flat lays and photos.

I'll make it up this Sunday with a fabulous outfit, I promise!

In the mean time, I thought I'd share some bits that I purchased in the Next sale. I've never been game to join the long lines or the crowds on Next sale days so on Saturday morning, when the sale began I logged in, browsed and made some purchases from the comfort of my bed.

Here's what I scored:

 Happy Rose Gold Foil T-shirt £4


Guilty For Not Having Nursery Guilt

I didn't put too much thought in to nursery for the longest time. It's just not something I ever thought we would be doing this early. Then my life as a "stay at home mum" got busy with my entrepreneurial endeavours and I had no other choice than to look into nursery options for Baby Girl.

I've heard so much about this nursery guilt, and actually as we were going through the motions of looking at options I felt guilty for not having guilt. If anything, I was excited for Baby Girl. She's such a sociable bunny. She loves other children. She is an observer of the world. You can see it in her eyes whenever they are taking in, absorbing, learning. I just know nursery is going to help with her development and shape the little person she is becoming.

A Weeks Worth Of Dinners For My 1 Year Old

I love reading meal planning and family dinner blog posts and I get so much inspiration from them. I also love posting random shots of what baby girl is having for her meals on my Instagram feed and I often get people telling me they get inspiration from me which is awesome.

I do put a lot of effort and thought into what we eat as a family. It's complicated let me tell you. I am a vegetarian on a low fat diet. J is a meat eater on a low fat diet. Baby girl is a fussy 13 month old that needs full fat options. I have to spend loads of time meal planning because I prepare three meals every night! I try and be efficient as possible by cooking one meal from scratch each night for one of us, and then freezing batches that can be used later on. It sure is a process but I seem to have a good rotation.

I would love to post our meal plans but that would be far too complicated so I last week I decided to take a photo of baby girl's dinner each night so I could share.


Sunday Mini Styles #22

UK Ladies. Don't pack your summer clothes away just yet. I've just been reading about the Indian summer that we're about to have in a week. And it's meant to be 3 weeks long! I do love the change of season and pulling out the winter woolies but I will quite welcome a little bit more sunshine before I need to fully embrace the colder weather.

This week outfit is a simple one. It's ALL about the gorgeous knee high socks. I just love them and had to dedicate a post to them.


Review: Bottomless Brunch At Avenue Mayfair

On Saturday I had a baby free day and a catch up with some of my lady friends. We decided we would do brunch.

OOTD - The End Long kimono | Dorothy Perkins trousers | Zara handbag | Office shoes

When I visited New York in 2007 brunch was THE thing to do. Brunch in New York was an institution. A weekend activity that was so much more than combining breakfast and lunch because you'd slept in. Brunch was a time to fill your bellies with amazing food, drink and a time to catch up with friends. Brunch was (and still is) even worthy of its own menu combing the perfect mix of things like eggs, pancakes and some more substantial lunch type dishes. Back in Melbourne it still wasn't a thing and then when I arrived in London in 2010 it's not something I ever noticed.


Sunday Mini Styles #21

Its busy times at the Eat.Love.Live house this weekend so this post is going to be short and sweet and all about the outfit. As it should be, this ones a beauty. This is the kind of outfit I wish they did in adult size because I would love it.

River Island Mini - denim shirt and leggings set  |  Monsoon moccasins  |  Rockahula hair clip

This outfit is still a little big but that's OK she'll get more wear out of it that way. I really love the length of the shirt and the side splits.

I've been busy publishing blog content this week. If you missed any of my posts, here they are:

Thank you for all your well wishes for Baby Girl's nursery settling in sessions. She was fine and absolutely loved it. She bonded with the nursery girls really quickly and jumped straight in to get involved in playing with the other babies. There were no tears whilst I was there or when I was gone so I really don't think it could have gone any better. She has her first full day tomorrow. I'm excited for her because I know she will love it but I will miss her so much!

Kat x

I would love to connect with you! You can find me on:

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This Mama Life

A Day With: The Moderate Mum

Last month I published a 'day in the life' style mummy post where I documented the ins and outs of a whole day and what Baby Girl and I got up to. I wrote it because I really enjoy reading these kind of posts, I'm a little bit nosey and I find them really interesting. It got me thinking and I thought it would be fun to run a series of guest posts on the blog with all my favourite blogging mummies. I think all of us mummies are superheroes with how we manage our days and that should be celebrated.

I'm so pleased to launch this series with one of my fantabulous, wonderful, wise, insightful, witty, fun and gorgeous blogging friends - Charlene from The Moderate Mum. I feel very grateful to have connected with this wonderful chick. If you're not familiar with her blog, you should be. Not only does she offer loads of advice for any parent looking for someone who is straight talking, honest and tells it as it is but her posts will also make you belly laugh at the end of a crappy day. Some will even tug at your heartstrings.

I just loved reading about Charlene's super busy day with her gorgeous son Roscoe. I could relate with her at so many times of the day, especially the teeth brushing. Any tips?


DIY: Birthday Chalkboard Tutorial

When planning Baby Girl's first birthday I just knew I wanted to include a birthday chalkboard as part of her decorations. It's a great way to reflect on the first year and capture information that is relevant at that moment in time. The chalkboards are a unique display for people who attend the party to read your baby's vital stats and even better, they look great in photos.


The Night They Sent The Ambulance - Our Croup Story

Last weekend I had my scariest experience as a mother to date.

J was having a rare night out with the boys. Baby girl had been unwell for a few days and still wasn't her normal self that day but I assured him that we would both be fine. I would get her down to sleep and have a chilled night to myself. Baby girl sounded quite wheezy but we put that down to her having a bit of phlegm stuck in her throat and not knowing to cough. We did the bedtime routine as normal, she fell asleep relatively quickly. J made sure everything was OK with both of us and then head out at 8.30pm.



A Rainbow Polka Dot Themed Birthday Party: Table Decorations

Continuing in my theme of birthday parties on the blog, I wanted to dedicate a post to how I created the table at baby girls first birthday party a couple of weeks ago. I am absolutely in my element when I am party planning. This table was a weeks worth of baking and DIY and I was so happy with the outcome.

Theme: Rainbow polka dot

The table was in the conservatory and it was super sunny but there was shadows in all the wrong places in the photos so I'm sorry that the quality isn't amazing.


Sunday Mini Styles #20

Sunday Mini Styles is 20. Woohoo!

I'm so glad I started this series. It's so much fun to put these posts together - choosing the outfits, taking photos with baby girl and updating you all on my week.

This week has taken me by surprise. It feels like we went from summer to winter in a week. Although I feel like I have been doing a lot of shopping for baby girl lately, much of it has been in summer sales gearing up for our Australian holiday and next summer and I realised we had a lack of winter basics. So what can a mummy do in that situation other than hit the shops? I had a big spree in Zara. That's one of my favourite places for both myself and baby girl.

In saying all of this, I'm not quite ready to start the winter baby fashion posts yet so I thought I would try and squeeze in at least one more summery number.


Cooking With Kids - Little Whisks Workshop

A couple of weeks ago I was invited to be the guest chef at a school holiday cooking workshop that took place at the fabulous Discovery Nursery based in outer North/West London. The cooking program called 'Little Whisks' and was attended by a group of budding chefs aged 3-5 who were looking to practice the culinary excellence whilst on school holidays.