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The Sister I Never Had

I feel like I have spent the last year apologising for my lack of activity on this blog. I'm sorry! I wish I'd had time to document my pregnancy on the blog more but the reality of undertaking major house renovations, starting a new job role, increasing my hours at work, having time for my three year old, growing this baby and keeping general order to my life has left me with very little spare time.

I will be on maternity leave soon, and our house work is nearly complete so stick with me. I hope to be back to a more regular posting pattern. In the mean time I find Instagram a far quicker and easier way to share my thoughts and if you've been following me there you're probably feeling more connected to me. Yesterday I posted a very special gender reveal and it didn't feel right not sharing it on the blog so I thought I would come on here and do just that.

Growing up, I always wanted a sister. I ached for one. I felt like I was meant to have one. I waited a whole 7 years for my mum’s last pregnancy and when she told me I was going to have another brother I didn’t talk to her for days. After I got over the fact that I would be the only girl sibling I decided that I wouldn’t have my brothers any other way. Actually - being the only princess in the family wasn’t so bad. I have learnt many lessons in this life and I have always found that with patience things always fall into place exactly as they should and in time everything makes sense. Which brings me to the now. I am so happy to say that this little bubba I’m growing that’s nearly ready to meet the world is a GIRL! My first baby girl gets to have the sister I never had and I get to live their sisterly bond through my babies eyes. And in this moment, I know this is just the way it was always meant to be. Little sister, your mama may be a little unorganised right now but I’m working hard to get everything in place ready for you and we are all so excited to meet you. You are so very wanted and so so loved ❤️❤️❤️ #35weekspregnant#girlmama #mumofgirls

So there you have it! I'm having another girl. Another princess to join our family. Baby Girl is super excited and just I know she is going to make the best big sister. I'm now 35 weeks pregnant so I'm running around trying to get all my baby bits together (luckily I kept a lot from the first time round) and packing my hospital bag.

How am I feeling? 

Apart from being a bit frantic and having that weird mixture of insomnia and tiredness plus a few extra aches and pains I'm feeling great! I promised myself after my first pregnancy that if I was ever blessed enough to experience a miracle like this again that I would appreciate every moment. And that I have! I think I'm coping much better with everything this time round, because maybe my body feels familiar to pregnancy. It knows what it's doing this time.

Heavy - I'm not one of those yummy mummies who has a neat bump. Nope. My bump is spread far and wide and I feel like I'm carrying a bowling ball. Let's put it this way - I'm not very agile with my movements these days.

A little apprehensive - as the birth looms closer I must admit I'm feeling nervous. Particularly with the natural birth vs c-section decision I've had to make after my first Baby Girl was born by c-section. I've come up with a plan that I feel like I have some control and have made some decisions but also partly leaves things up to the universe. You know my mantra - what will be, will be. I just need to keep reminding myself of this.

Signing off for now and I'll touch base again in a couple of weeks when I start my maternity leave.

Much love,
Kat xoxo

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