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Guilty For Not Having Nursery Guilt

I didn't put too much thought in to nursery for the longest time. It's just not something I ever thought we would be doing this early. Then my life as a "stay at home mum" got busy with my entrepreneurial endeavours and I had no other choice than to look into nursery options for Baby Girl.

I've heard so much about this nursery guilt, and actually as we were going through the motions of looking at options I felt guilty for not having guilt. If anything, I was excited for Baby Girl. She's such a sociable bunny. She loves other children. She is an observer of the world. You can see it in her eyes whenever they are taking in, absorbing, learning. I just know nursery is going to help with her development and shape the little person she is becoming.
But then J kept talking about Baby Girl's first day of school. School at one year old? And then I realised that for the first time in her 12 months of life I wouldn't be there to protect and shield her from the big wide world every minute of her day. This would be the end of an era. A pop to the little bubble Baby Girl and I had been hiding in for the last year. I did have a little wave of sadness in mourning to that.

I don't feel guilty, but it's not because I don't have the tightest little bond with this daughter of mine. I just don't feel like she should be with me all the time just because I don't have an office job. She deserves more than just what I can give her. I'm excited to see her flourish. I'm excited to see her make little friends. I'm excited to see her become part of a group independent from me. I'm excited to see what artwork she brings home for me. I'm excited to display her beautiful creations around the house. I'm just so excited for her.

I'm excited because I know my baby girl is going to be something really special and letting her out into the big wide world is just the beggining of that.

We are two weeks in and Baby Girl beams when we walk into that baby room one and a half days of the week.

I am so proud.

Kat x

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Advice From The Heart
The Twinkle Diaries


  1. That's great advice. There seems to be so much guilt attached to parenting, but when you know you are doing the best you can and supporting them in their development it is much more productive to be excited than guilty! Lovely share. #fromtheheart

    1. The mum guilts. I don't think we'll ever escape from them. I totally agree with you though. The power of positive thinking goes a long way x

  2. I wouldn't feel guilty at all. It's hard at first but they gain so much from it. Eva loves her time at nursery and has learnt so much including social skills etc xx

    1. It's so true. After Baby Girls first proper week of nursery she started walking fully. I'm sure that was from watching the other babies doing it x

  3. Oh man! That's so awesome she loves it so much!!! 😊

    1. She really does. I should have known she would because she always used to light up when we took her to baby classes!! Xxx

  4. I feel exactly the same way. I think when I say it to my mates, they're like 'hmmmm sure' but I know how excited he is to go.

  5. Thank you! I've felt exactly the same when I went back to work. :) #advicefromtheheart

  6. My little man goes to nursery 2 days a week, so was lovely to read about not having guilt. I didn't at first but as time goes on it seems to be getting harder, which seems like the wrong way round!

    1. Isn't in funny how our mummy minds work? Baby girl does 2 days too (technically 1.5) and I think that's a good balance x


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