A Day With: Is a fun series I am running on the blog. I love 'day in the life' style mummy posts. They are fun to read and interesting to see the way different mums manage their days. I think all mummies are superheroes We all have our own challenges with managing our lives and running our households, but we get through it and that should be celebrated.
Today's guest is the very sweet Laura from Dear Bear And Beany. Laura is married to her love Andy and together they have two gorgeous girls a three and one year old both who have birthdays coming up. You could be mistaken for thinking Laura is a veteran when reading her fabulous blog but in reality she only just began it in Jan 2016. Laura writes about being a mum, pregnancy, family life and their adventures and loads more.
Laura's day starts super early and she tells me this is a regular thing. It's so lovely to hear how the two sisters interact with each other, especially as they are so close in age. I'm sure they are going to be best friends for life. It makes me feel like I want a sister for Baby Girl. Thank you for sharing your day with us Laura, you nailed it! :)
Today's guest is the very sweet Laura from Dear Bear And Beany. Laura is married to her love Andy and together they have two gorgeous girls a three and one year old both who have birthdays coming up. You could be mistaken for thinking Laura is a veteran when reading her fabulous blog but in reality she only just began it in Jan 2016. Laura writes about being a mum, pregnancy, family life and their adventures and loads more.
Laura's day starts super early and she tells me this is a regular thing. It's so lovely to hear how the two sisters interact with each other, especially as they are so close in age. I'm sure they are going to be best friends for life. It makes me feel like I want a sister for Baby Girl. Thank you for sharing your day with us Laura, you nailed it! :)
No two days are the same for me, some days Alice is at preschool and other days I have both the girls all day. This is how a Friday looks for us…
06.30: I will wake up to the sound of Alice coming into our room and she climbs in for a snuggle. Holly wakes up not long after and Andy takes them downstairs for breakfast. Holly will have jam on toast and Alice either weetabix for toast with marmite, like daddy. I will either have a snooze, as I am up every night with Alice and need to catch up on sleep or I will link any blog posts to linky’s that I am taking part in that day.
07:15 I will jump in the shower. On the days that Andy has to leave early this is the part that is the trickiest to do on my own, Holly is into everything!
07.30: I am woken up by the sound of the girls calling ‘mummy’ as they climb up the stairs. I will get ready for the day, the girls play around me and Holly loves it when I blow the hairdryer on her. Andy is downstairs tidying up, while he waits for our shopping to be delivered. I love online shopping and I would be lost without it. I just pop to the shops during the week for our fruit and other small bits.
08.00: I get the girls dressed for the day and then grab a load of washing to put on when I get downstairs.
08.30: I will have a quick coffee and check social media. Then we will get ready to leave the house and take Alice to preschool.
08.45: We walk to preschool, one of my favourite times of the day. The girls walk together hand in hand and we see Alice in. Holly spends the whole walk home shouting ‘bye bye Alice’.
09.15: Holly and I jump in the car and pop to the shops. This is my time to whizz round a few shops whilst I only have one child and Holly is so good in the pushchair, she just loves to people watch.
10.00: We head to our Toddler Sensory Class. Holly has a banana for a snack before the class starts. She has fun going on the bouncy castle and down the slide, before we all sit down for the group activity. This week is bug week and Holly is a little ladybird. We make a giant caterpillar and a spiders web.
11.00: Back home to drop the car off and pick up Holly’s smart trike, to go and pick Alice up from preschool. Holly loves going in the smart trike and it means I can get there quicker and she is contained. Alice runs out the door and straight into my arms, then leans over to kiss Holly. She is full of chat on the walk home and I soak it up, as I know the minute we get home she will have moved on and I will never know what she got up to.
11.45: We arrive back and I make lunch for us. They both have a dairy lea sandwich, cucumber, slice of cheese on the side and a few pom pom bears. Followed by a banana for both and Holly will also have an Ella’s Kitchen fruit bar too. They both have water for their drink.
12.15: A quick nappy change for Holly and whilst I take her upstairs for a nap, I pop the television on for Alice. Luckily Holly settles herself and is asleep quickly.
12.30: This is the time where it’s just Alice and I, we do things that we can’t do when Holly is awake. We do her numbers, practice writing, play her favourite shopping game or tell the time game.
13.30: After an hour Alice is usually ready to play imaginary games on her own and I will tidy up, whilst listening to her basically reliving her morning at preschool. She is always the teacher and there are a lot of naughty children! If I am lucky I might get to sit down for five minutes and I read a couple of blogs. Alice usually has her yoghurt now too, she likes to stretch lunch out.
14.00: I quickly pack up my bag ready for when Holly wakes. I hear the sound ‘Mummy Up’ and go upstairs to get my sleepy Holly. I love those snuggles after naptime.
14.15: After Holly’s nap we either have a lazy afternoon at home and the girls play together or we head to the cafe for a drink and a biscuit. Today we head to the cafe.
14.30: The girls are excited as they know where we are going. I pick up the tray and Alice gets a packet of our favourite shortbread biscuits to share. I order a coffee for me and a glass of milk each for the girls. With my coffee, comes a little biscuit on the side, that Alice calls ‘a cup pf tea biscuit’. I have no idea where that came from, because I hate tea, it’s always coffee. If my mum is free she will sometimes join us for a coffee, but today it is just the three of us.
15.00: We sit, chat, laugh, eat and drink. I love it! I have always brought my girls to the coffee shop and they are both really good. We might do some colouring that they have there. Then Holly will shout ‘out’ which means she has had enough of being in the highchair and that means its time to leave.
15.45: We head back home and I will sort the washing while the girls play together. I will then join in and we play together. Or if they are tired, we snuggle on the sofa and watch Topsy and Tim for Holly, followed by Paw Patrol for Alice.
16.15: I will put the dinner on, as we have dinner at 5pm. Any later and the girls are just too tired. The girls always want to me around me at this point, so I normally put some music on and we dance. I am getting good at dancing and cooking at the same time. It passes the time and the girls love it.
17.00: Andy normally arrives home just as I am dishing up dinner and the girls run to the door shouting ‘daddy’. He scoops them up for cuddle. We all sit down for dinner and Andy will ask the girls what they have been doing today.
17.30: Usually dinner is finished and Andy tidy’s up the kitchen and I will do any tidying around the house.
18.15: Bathtime! Andy does bath time with the girls and I will get their pyjamas all ready and have a quick tidy round their rooms. They love the bath and it’s lovely that Andy gets to have this time with them.
18.30: They get dressed and ready for bed. We do story time together, they choose a book each. Then Andy takes Holly to bed and I take Alice to bed.
19.00: Both girls are asleep and we head back downstairs. Andy might have some work to do and I will catch up with blogging.
20.00: Andy will normally have finished his work and will fetch us a nice treat to eat whilst watching television. I carry on blogging, I have never been able to just sit and watch television, I always have to be doing something. Blogging is perfect for me.
22.00: We head up to bed. I will attempt to read, but usually fall asleep after a couple of sentences. I am up in the night with Alice and exhausted by this point. I have no idea what time Andy goes to sleep…
You can read more about Laura on her blog Dear Bear And Beany or connect with her on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
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Like this post? You can subscribe to receive my posts straight to your inbox for your weekly dose of baby fashion, baking recipes, products & places I love and general mummy randomness
Thank you for having me on your blog, I really enjoyed documenting our day. xx
ReplyDeleteAw I loved reading this! It's so lovely to hear how other mums do it - I can't imagine having two children but would definitely like to have a sibling for Taylor one day. It's so cute how well the girls get on. Admire that you go to the local coffee shop regularly, I really need to do more of that, I've tended to avoid it at the moment as Taylor gets restless but I should try it again. Also nice to hear that you have a 'treat' on the sofa too - we are so guilty of that! xx #BloggerClubUK
ReplyDeleteI love these types of posts - I'm so nosey! I loved getting a peek into your day, you fit so much in!
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking up to #BloggerClubUK :)