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Sunday Mini Styles #25

I love Autumn, not quite as much as I love Summer but Autumn is such a lovely transition from the summer months into Christmas.

The heating in our house gets cranked up, the woolies and blankets come out to keep us cosy, we have nights in wearing flannelette PJ's, we crunch through piles of brown leaves when going on our daily walks and then before you know it the Christmas decorations go up, there's Christmas markets to go to, festive celebrations and lots of lovely memories made.

It all starts in Autumn. I really do love the start of any new season because it means rotating your wardrobe to pieces that are suited to the changing weather. Recently I've been packing away our summer clothes (ready to pack in a suitcase for when we go to Australia in December) and replenishing with warmer clothes. 

The outfit I am sharing today, although does require a heavy winter coat when venturing outdoors, screams Autumnal fashion to me. I love the colours. This waistcoat can be layered with so many options and can add spunk to any outfit. How cute is it? It's from Miss Coco's Closet. I discovered this store on Instagram and I just love the range. I want to buy the whole shop!

Miss Coco's Closet waistcoat  |  Ivy & Mullbery #OOTD vest  |  Primark leggings  |  Monsoon Kids shoes  |  Next headband

I posted a video of Baby Girl doing the catwalk in the outfit on Instagram if you want to check it out. She's so funny!

What's been happening this week? Just trying to get by really. Life is still super busy in general. Baby Girl's sleeping seems to be improving. It's still not 100% but it's heading in the right direction and she is completely better now so hopefully she stays that way. I've started the countdown until our next holiday. It can't come soon enough!

Happy Sunday all!

Kat x

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  1. Wow she is rocking this outfit! How amazing does she look?! I saw the catwalk on Instagram, how funny is she! That waistcoat is so much fun. I love the print and it goes so well with the tee, shoes and hairband. Perfection as always :) Thank you so much for linking up with us doll and hope you've had a great weekend :) #weekendministyle

    1. Haha she is so funny! I recorded that at the point that I was just about to give up taking pics and thought a video would do instead X

  2. Glad she's feeling better! This outfit is SO cute - I want her wardrobe! My current look is, well, it's not really a look. Dirty jeans, sometimes sweatpants and now with the colder weather: giant sweaters!

    1. Trust me, I also envy her wardrobe terribly and mine sounds like it resembles yours X

  3. Wow Kat! That's an amazing outfit! I've never seen a waistcoat for kids like that :) gorgeous! Going to track down the store now! She's rocking that look! #TT_Thursday #WeekendMiniStyle

    1. I know. When it popped up on my Instagram feed, I knew I had to have it! Coco's closet do some amazing peices x

  4. This girls got style! That waistcoat. Love the ootd tee and the matching headband. X

    1. I can't get enough of the ootd vest, I hope she never grows out of it teehee x

  5. I adore the waistcoat and hashtag t-shirt, so jealous of you going to Australia! Are you going for Christmas?x

  6. Such a great outfit, the waistcoat really does look the piece for our Autumnal weather too. Thank you for sharing #TT_Thursday

  7. Super cute outfit! I love the waistcoat!!


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