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Recipe For Making Pastry With My KitchenAid

My husband J and I are not very good at buying each other Christmas presents. More times than not what is opened on Christmas morning is exchanged for a more appealing item. We are both guilty of it and I think it's because we are quite particular.

Just to give you an idea, one year a week before Christmas a large number of soft looking presents appeared under the tree for me. J assured me that I was absolutely going to love this years present. I waited with anticipation and on Christmas morning I opened myself up a new corporate wardrobe for my city job. A plain black blazer, a black pencil skirt and black tailored trousers. I already had a corporate wardrobe and garments that were identical to what he got me. Back to the store they went and I exchanged them for some more suitable weekend gear.

This Christmas I was very intrigued. We put up our Christmas tree on the 1st of December as is tradition and by the 2nd of December there was a huge box under the tree addressed to me. I heard familiar promises of me loving this years present and I was very intrigued with what was waiting in this huge box from me.

On Christmas morning as soon as J handed me the very heavy box, I ripped open the wrapping paper and screamed.

This year he had got it so right.

He got me my very own KitchenAid.

I had always wanted one but could never have justified the price and I never imagined that J could appreciate the baking possibilities so much that he would splash out on one for me. But he did and I am so grateful. I use my toy nearly every day - it really is like having an extra pair of hands in the kitchen.

Before having my KitchenAid, pastry was something I brought from the store. I would make it at home occasionally but it would take so long and would require a lot of effort to knead. Now I can whiz the ingredients together in 5 minutes, let it sit in the fridge for 30 minutes (this is to avoid pastry shrinking when baked) and I'm good to go.

Even though I now make my own pastry very often, I'm always so forgetful about the quantities so I thought I would write a blog post so I would have a place to refer back to.

There's a few ways to make pastry. I make mine without egg and instead use cold water to bind the ingredients together. I started making it this way when I went through a period about being a bit funny with egg and it's just the way I always do it now.

Recipe For Shortcrust Pastry Using KitchenAid
  • 125g sifted plain flour
  • Pinch of salt
  • 55g butter, cubed
  • 30 - 45ml (2-3 tbsp) cold water

Cooking Directions
  1. Add cubes of butter, flour and salt to KitchenAid bowl.
  2. Use paddle attachment on low speed setting for 2 minutes until the mixture resembles biscuit crumbs.
  3. Add 2 tablespoons cold water to the mixture and increase to speed 8 for a few minutes until the dough is well a well formed ball. Only add the additional water if the dough needs extra moisture.
  4. Dust a clean work surface with a small amount of additional plain flour and knead by hand for 1 minute.
  5. Wrap the pastry dough in cling film and let rest in the fridge for 30 minutes before using.        
I like to make this pastry and then throw together the vegetables in our fridge to make a tart. I have a few favourite combinations and I'll post some recipes with them. This quantity is enough to make the base for a tart and I just make additional batches if I need more.

K x
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    Ike for Christmas and tongue in cheek I said would love a KitchenAid had a little discussion and ordered one Friday evening and it was delivered Sunday - just had a practice mixing your recipe for shortcrust pastry - wow it’s amazing I love it so effortless- I’m going to have such fun with it so going to click to receive your posts to give me inspiration πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘©‍🍳



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