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A Peek Into My Home: Bathroom Tour

My blog is like my little online diary. The things that I hold close to my heart feature heavily - family, food, and fashion (mainly of the baby variety).

One really important thing that I don't blog about is my home. I really am a homebody. There's nothing more I love than being curled up in my humble abode with my family, spending hours in my kitchen making wonderful creations, soaking in my tub, hanging in my living room and in front of a roaring fire when winter kicks in, and lazing in my bed in my ultimate haven - my bedroom. My home is where many of our family memories are made. This is where J lived when I first met him. Together we tranformed his bachelor pad into a family home - in more ways than just the renovations. This is the home where we planned our wedding together This home is where we brought baby girl after she was born.

When I was 7 months pregnant we did a full house renovation that included an extension, walls being knocked down, new flooring throughout and a brand new kitchen. No room in the house was left untouched. It was stressful doing it so close to giving birth but it was totally worth it. The end result has been a house that we  love and we have chosen every little detail down to the kitchen cupboard handles. I have been thinking about it for awhile, but I'm finally going to do it. I am going to share these rooms with you in a very special blog series - A peek into my home!

The first room I am going to share is my happy place - my bathroom. The most relaxing thing for me to do is enjoy a bath at the end of a long day. I don't do it nearly as much as I would like to but when I do, I really make the most of it.

I never scrimp on nice hand washes and moisturisers for the bathroom. I'm channelling a luxurious spa when I'm in my bathroom.

This is the very first room that was renovated and it was actually before I even moved in and this place was still J's bachelor pad. When the work got done, I was about 6 months from moving in so J was the brains behind most of it and I was his advisor :). 
Can you see my beautiful giant waterfall shower head? My showers at home feel like pure luxury and I love how roomy the unit is.

 I chose some little touches like the mosaic feature.
I must admit, I initially preferred a more neutral theme but J was insistent on black and white. I'm glad we went with his preference as now I love my little monochrome bathroom.
It's super handy to have a separate hand held bit to the main bath tap and I just love how the tap comes from the floor.

I'll list all the bits and bobs in our bathroom below.

Bathroom goodies
John Lewis: towels, face towels and floor mat
Mandara Spa: hand soap and moisturiser (stocked in my local Sainsbury's)
John Lewis: Aloe Vera plants (you may have already seen this in my home haul post a few weeks ago)
Tiger: black pots (they originally came with lids but I prefer them without)

What's your favourite room in the house? I want to say mine is the bathroom but then depending on the day it could be the kitchen, or the bedroom, or the living room. I don't think I could choose! I definitely have a big soft spot for my bathroom though.

I'll be posting the next room tour in a few weeks so check back in if you like these kind of posts.

Kat x

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  1. Your bathroom looks lovely and spacious. I like a bit of luxury in a bathroom. It's great to have a look around other people's houses, it satisfies my nosey side ;-)

    1. Haha I love looking too, I'm so nosey. That's why I thought this would be a good series to do x

  2. Wow gorgeous bathroom! I have serious envy. Well played on renovating whilst pregnant too!

    1. Thanks lovely. Oh yes, renovating whilst pregnant was challenging but it's so worth it in the end bringing Baby Girl home to a house I loved x

  3. Looks beautiful, love the mosaic. I have a black and white theme in our bathroom too, has a lovely feel about it. #twinklytuesday xx

    1. I'm all about the black and white right now, I think it makes a bathroom look so crisp x

  4. First of all, your photos are gorgeous. And that tub!! *drool* I'm going to be checking back in to see the rest of your house- I loved this peek at your bathroom! :) #twinklytuesday

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I recently brought a new camera and am having so much fun playing around with it. Next post will be our nursery in the next few weeks x

  5. Gorgeous photos and of course gorgeous bathroom! I've got that waterfall shower head too, and it really adds beauty to the bathroom, isn't it?! Thanks for sharing! #twinklytuesday

    1. Ahhhh the waterfall shower. It makes showers feel so luxurious and you're right. It looks so pretty x

  6. Very impressive bath. Suspiciously organised bathroom 'though, esp as you have a young child!! You should see ours. We're about to get a new kitchen and I can't wait. #babybrainmomnday

    1. Haha I must admit, if you would have seen inside the bath you would have seen the pile of bath toys. Plus I did remove our toothbrushes and shampoos in the shower for the sake of the photos, cos let's face it - they don't add any beauty to the pics! I love having a big storage cupboard where we can throw in all our bits and bobs. That helps. Ohhhh it's so much fun putting in a new kitchen. Enjoy :)

  7. I have a bathroom obsession. I love bright airy ones so I've no idea why we went with dark tiles in all 3 of them! I think we were channelling the Mandarin Oriental in the kids' bathroom! Love the radiator IN the shower room or is that my eyes playing tricks with me? Thanks for linking to #BabyBrainMonday

    1. There's something special and mysterious about dark bathrooms too. I bet yours are lovely! The radiator is just a reflection. It's actually right next to the shower x

  8. Aah LOVE this!! I'm such a homes obsessive — there's nothing I like more than having a nosey into other people's homes! Love the monochrome look — really fab :) Thanks so much for linking up with us on #TwinklyTuesday

    1. I love home posts too! Thabks for stopping by and for hosting your fab linky x

  9. The tub is definitely a feature in the bathroom. I could spend hours in my prized tub. Yes these pics are with my new camera. I'm loving it so much! Adding photography to my list of hobbies for sure. Thank you so much x

  10. It looks gorgeous and that bath tub is amazing! x #bloggershome

  11. Oh wow, that bath is amazing! It's like a hotel room. Great space for a relaxing soak. Thanks for linking up #bloggerhomes x

  12. Your home is gorgeous and so stylish :) This is a beautiful room and very, very tranquil and peaceful. Great job. Jess xx #HomeEtc

  13. This is SO lovely!! What a fabulous retreat to soak away the day's worries! Lovely :) #HomeEtc

  14. Ahh, a bathroom of dreams! Ours is tiny. I can't wait to renovate it and I'm going to look for things like taps and tiles over the next year so that we can afford to do it all next year.
    Amazing that you Reno'd while pregnant. We are doing everything gradually. I don't think I could deal with the upheaval lol

  15. Truly stunning, I love the mosaic tiles they really add something special to the room #bloggershomes

  16. Oh WOW! That bathtub! #bloggershomes


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