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Losing Baby Weight Challenge Update & Weigh In

On Monday I realised that there are only 4 weeks until we go on our holiday. If you've read my previous weight loss posts you will know that we are going to Australia for a Christmas holiday and I want to be as beach body confident as I can. So I got on the scales and this is what I was faced with:

I'm not even going to make excuses. I have dropped the ball. I have. I haven't been counting calories or steps and sometimes I've not even been mindful of the fact that I am trying to lose weight. The only way that I can look at it now is that I have 4 weeks to make a difference and I should still be pleased that overall I have lost. It's time to kick my own butt and get back on it. I promise that I will keep you posted each week with a weigh in until we leave. That is my motivation right there. You guys and the Australian beach.

Coming at the perfect time, the lovely team at Extante Diet got in touch with me and asked me if I wanted to try some of their products. I hadn't heard of them before but after checking out their website I was really keen to give it a go. Exante offer a range of meal replacements. I have tried this kind of thing before with shakes. What I thought was really cool about Exante is that not only do they offer shakes and protein bars, but also a range of other 'meals' including eggs, sausages, spaghetti, noodles, pancakes, even a goey chocolate pudding - I do not lie! Although they are meals, they come in sachets and they are super easy to prepare.

Exante products can be used exclusively with what they call their VLCD (very low calorie diet) or as a meal replacement. They have many VLCD plans starting at 600 calorie a day intake. Their website is very helpful explaining their different plans, how they work and what products you need.

I decided that I would try some of the products alongside other low calorie meals prepared by me. Here's a selection of what I've been trying this week:

white chocolate and raspberry shake

breakfast eggs (I added tomato)

lemon & yoghurt protein bar

creamy coconut shake

sausage mix 
(excuse the picture, this was dinner time and there was no natural light)

The verdict?
I really enjoyed the shakes, especially the creamy coconut one. The protein bar was really sweet. I like sweet things in small doses but it did feel a bit much for me. If you have a super sweet tooth you'll probably love it. The breakfast eggs were good. I would never eat eggs just on their own so I chopped up some tomato to go with it. Once I got over the slight difference in texture I enjoyed them. I was so surprised with the sausages. They also come in a sachet. All you do is add water, shape and fry them. I wasn't expecting much but they were much better than what I thought they would be. They had a bit of an after taste but having the spinach as a side helped with that. The key thing to remember about the meals is that they are not the real thing and they are a substitute. If you're going in and expecting a like for like on the meals you won't get that, but if you want an alternative to a shake and something that has a bit more substance, the meals are great. All of the products were filling. I made sure I had a whole glass of water at every 'meal' time and plenty of water throughout the day (they recommend 2-4 litres) and I didn't feel hungry.

Exante Diet are really affordable and claim to have the lowest priced meal replacements in the UK, so if you're after a new diet plan that offers quick results I would definitely recommend giving them a go.

This week calorie wise, my aim has been to keep under 1200 as per my normal weight loss plan but I've really been hitting 1000 just to kick start things again. In terms of exercise I've stopped using my FitBit. Once you get out of the habit of wearing it, it's easy to forget. Baby Girl and I still walk every where as J takes the car to work every day. Next week I'm going to take the extra long walk to our local park a couple of days if Baby Girl is up for it (hopefully she doesn't get bored).

I don't plan to weigh myself again until next week but I can already feel like my clothes are getting looser and that my body is in burning mode again (fingers crossed). Check back next week after my weigh in to see how I'm tracking.

Have any of you got any tips or advice for me for the next month?

* I was sent products from Exante Diet for the purpose of a review. All opinions are honest and my own.

Kat x

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  1. Don't be discouraged, just stay the course! You've made a human being, you can't be too hard on yourself :) Your progress is amazing (and your breakfast made me crave eggs and tomatoes; it's such a perfect combo!)

    1. That's very sweet. Thank you for your encouragement!
      Haha weekend brunch idea for you? X

  2. Go go girl! Keep at it...and keep that holiday in your sights! I have no advice to give other than that I'm afraid...thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub lovely xx

    1. Thank you Talya. The holiday is so close I can nearly touch it! Fingers crossed for my next weigh in x

  3. Stay motivated! What a fab holiday to be looking forward to.
    I can't do meal replacement things, but I understand their appeal.

    1. Thanks Ellie! I'm so super excited about the holiday it is helping with my motivation for sure x

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